Thryve Merchant

Thryve is a neobank that provides digital banking services to consumers and businesses.

Thryve Case Mockup


Find out the challenges facing business owners in Kenya who are trying to use subscription based pricing and come up with a solution that makes it easy for them to create and share subscriptions payment links.

My role

I was in charge of the entire design process for the merchant side of the business from identifying user needs to creating the final designs.


I worked with a software engineer.


Figma, Maze, Google Forms


March 2022 - Present

Problem Statement and Goals

Most payment platforms in Kenya do not support subscription based payment models yet a lot of business owners, especially those with tech or tech-enabled businesses are interested in being able to create recurring payments. As a result, a lot of business owners experience high churn rate because they have to reach out to their customers every time they want to process payments in order to continue providing services or goods. 

The goal of this project is to create a simple way for businesses to create recurring payment links that they can share with their customers or put on their websites. This will make it easier for them to collect recurring payments and retain customers. This also makes it easier for them to scale their businesses.

Solution Summary

Below is the high fidelity prototype that I created that shows how merchants can create recurring payment links for subscription-based offers.

Thryve Hi-Fi Prototype

Product Definition

The product definition stage involved weekly discussions with the founder to determine the value proposition of the product. 

From the discussions, the main value propositions that would be offered by Thryve mobile app are: 

User Research and Key Findings

The main goals of the user research were to identify different needs, pain points, and goals of business owners when it comes to creating payments for their products and services. 

We had individual video interviews with 4 business owners. Below is the summary of the key hypotheses and findings.

Thryve Hypotheses and Findings

Research Analysis

User Segments

From the. user research, we came up with the following user segments:
- Saas entrepreneurs who wanted to have monthly recurring payments
- Tech-enabled service entrepreneurs and consultants with recurring services

Thryve user segments

Journey Map

I created the journey map to show the whole experience of a user, from the first time they hear about Thryve until they use it, and even after signing up.The journey map also shows different feelings and thoughts the users will have throughout the process so that later we can reflect to them on the design.

Thryve Customer Journey Map

Ideating and Designing

Opportunities from Research

After doing the user and market research and analyzing the user segments, we came up with the following opportunities to solve the pain points of our users.

Below is a breakdown of some of the pain points and solutions that would be implemented on our design.

Pain points and solutions


I came up with sketches to showcase ideas for the mobile app. Here are some of the sketches.

Thryve sketch


After getting feedback on the sketches, I used Figma to create wireframes to establish the structure and layout of the content in different screens.

Below is an image of the main wireframes.

Thryve Merchant Wireframe

Low-Fidelity Prototype

I then created a low fidelity prototype that I used to test out the design. The GIF below shows the flow of the low-fidelity prototype.

Thryve low fidelity prototype

Prototype Feedback and Updated Wireframes

I tested the prototype with the engineer and 2 users and I got the following feedback:

I used the feedback to create the updated wireframes below.

Updated Thryve Wireframes

Design Style Guide

I created the design and brand style guide to ensure consistency and cohesiveness of the high-fidelity designs.

Thryve Design Style Guide

High-Fidelity Designs

After getting positive feedback on the updated wireframes, I created the following high-fidelity designs.

Thryve high fidelity prototype

High-Fidelity Prototype

Using the high fidelity desings, I created a high fidelity prototype that shows the user flow and functionality.

Thryve hi-fi prototype

User Testing and Validation

I tested the high fidelity prototype with 3 users. Here is the feedback that I got:

What worked well

  • The flow was direct and intuitive for users
  • Easy to add and remove payment links
  • Users found showing subscriber growth and churn rate to be a useful indicator of how their business is doing

What could be improved

  • Adding a back feature so that users can easily move back and forth
  • Animated interactions to guide the user and make the experience exciting
  • Use graphs for analytics instead of words


Below are some of the metrics that we would have measured had the app been launched :

  • User retention rate
  • Number of payment links created by users
  • Frequency of use of payment links
  • Churn rate before and after using app
  • Subscriber growth rate before and after using app

Next Steps

  • Work on the feedback given
  • Add interactions to make the user experience delightful
  • Work on the other features of the app such as analytics that are connected to the recurring payments

Personal Reflections and Learnings

Although I had previously created responsive websites and web apps, this was my first mobile app design and my first fintech product. While the design principles still remain the same, I learned a lot of new things about designing apps for mobile. I will continue working on the other features of the app to gain more practical mobile design skills.

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